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PTE Score Chart Guide: How to Understand Your Test Scores

Dhawal Jagushte 2 min read
PTE Score Chart Guide

In recent years, as the acceptance of the test has grown, PTE has become an excellent alternative to IELTS and TOEFL. The PTE scoring system is quick, transparent and logical. The PTE board gives a chart to interpret various score ranges and skills profile, known as the PTE band score chart. By understanding the PTE Score Chart, the point distribution within each skill and the overall calculation method, students can develop targeted study plans. This blog goes beyond the mechanics of scoring, equipping students with the knowledge to assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their preparation for each PTE section.

Understand PTE Score Chart

The PTE Score Report, commonly called the PTE Score Chart, gives complete information about the candidate’s abilities in English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. It also provides an overall assessment of grammar, oral fluency, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and communication skills. Candidates receive the PTE band score chart within 2 days after taking the test, and they can view or download the report by logging into their Pearson account. Candidates have the liberty to share their score reports online with an unlimited number of universities, for free. 

Pearson’s automated scoring system analyzes your performance against established benchmarks to generate an overall PTE score table. Your PTE score report will include the overall scores and sectional scores along with some personalized recommendations on how one can improve their PTE scores. The PTE results would have the following components:

  • Overall Score: The overall score on the PTE score chart, ranging from 10-90 points, is given based on the candidate’s performance across the entire test. This report strongly highlights the strengths and the areas of improvement of the test taker. Keep in mind that it is not an average calculation of the communicative skills scores.
  • Communicative Skills Scores: These are the scores that the candidate received individually from four sections, i.e. listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The score range for each skill is 10-90 points. The Skills Profile gives you an idea of your proficiency across different English language skills along with some personal recommendations on how to improve these skills. 

Have a look at our sample PTE score report card to get a better idea of what your report will look like. It contains all the elements that you can find in the official PTE Score Report.

Comparing PTE Score Chart with IELTS and TOEFL

Candidates aiming to go abroad for academic or professional purposes often appear for various exams other than PTE like IELTS, TOEFL iBT etc. Every score range of these exams describes different proficiency levels. Making comparisons between scores on different tests is challenging. That’s because test products differ in their design, purpose, and format.

Nonetheless, test score users (such as Universities, Governments and professional bodies) are often interested to know how, for practical purposes, results on two differing tests may compare. Understanding this comparison is vital for selecting the right exam for your needs. Accordingly, it is important to find out how PTE scores can relate to other popular English proficiency tests. Here are the details: 

PTE ScoreIELTS ScoreTOEFL ScoreProficiency Level
0-300-40-31Extremely Limited
78-828.0110-114Very Good

Overall PTE Score Calculation

The PTE algorithm takes into account various factors beyond specific answers, utilizing a blend of automated scoring and human validation to provide a comprehensive and reliable assessment of the student’s English language proficiency. While several answers are rated on the basis of their correctness and incorrectness, other answers will be measured based on the formal aspects e.g. word limit of the task and quality of the response, i.e accuracy, relevance, fluency, and appropriateness of the responses. There are two scoring methods used in calculating PTE Exam Score:

1. Correct/Incorrect Scoring: For the objective task with definitive answers, the candidates will get full credit for the correct answers and no credit for the incorrect answers.

2. Partial Credit Scoring: For more complex tasks involving subjective evaluation like accuracy, fluency, vocabulary, and task fulfillment are evaluated on the basis of correct, partially correct or incorrect. If the candidates’ response is correct, then full credit will be given, if the response is partly correct, then partial credit will be awarded, and if the answer is incorrect, then no credit will be given. For a clearer understanding, we’ve outlined how marks are distributed across the reading, listening, and speaking & writing sections of the PTE exam.

PTE Score Chart for Reading

Question TypeNumber of QuestionsScoringCommunicative Skills, Enabling Skills, and Other Traits ScoredTotal Time
Multiple-choice, choose single answer1-2Correct/IncorrectReading Comprehension29–30 Minutes
Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers1-2Partial CreditReading Comprehension
Reading: Fill in the blanks4-5Partial CreditReading Comprehension
Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks5-6Partial Credit
Re-order paragraphs2-3Partial CreditReading Comprehension
Text Organization

PTE Score Chart for Listening

Question TypeNumber of QuestionsScoringCommunicative Skills, Enabling Skills, and Other Traits ScoredTotal Time
Multiple-choice, choose single answer1-2Correct/IncorrectListening Comprehension30-43 Minutes
Multiple–choice, choose multiple answers1-2Partial CreditListening Comprehension
Detail Identification
Fill in the blanks2-3Partial CreditListening Comprehension
Highlight correct summary1-2Correct/IncorrectListening Comprehension
Write from dictation3-4Partial CreditListening Comprehension Spelling
Select missing word1-2Correct/IncorrectListening Comprehension
Highlight incorrect words2-3Partial CreditListening Comprehension
Summarize spoken text1-2Partial CreditListening Comprehension

PTE Score Chart for Speaking and Writing

Question TypeNumber of QuestionsScoringCommunicative Skills, Enabling Skills, and Other Traits ScoredTotal Time
Read aloud6-7Partial CreditPronunciation
54–67 Minutes
Describe image3-4Partial CreditVocabulary
Repeat sentence10-12Partial CreditPronunciation
Answer short question5-6Correct/IncorrectSpoken Expression
Re-tell lecture1-2Partial CreditSpeaking Skills
Summarize written text1-2Partial CreditReading Comprehension
Write essay1-2Partial CreditWriting      Vocabulary  Content

How PTE Overall Score is Calculated?

The enabling skill score ranges between 10 and 90 points. To get overall PTE score, all scores under enabling skills are added, and then the total is divided by 6. This obtained average score is added along with the four communicative skill scores. Finally, the average of these 5 parts together is taken as the overall PTE score.

Breakdown of PTE Score Chart

Most candidates often find it challenging to interpret their score reports. PTE score chart also includes a comparison to the CEFR framework and provides valuable insights into language proficiency levels. By analyzing the score breakdown, you can identify strengths and weaknesses, focusing on areas requiring improvement for future attempts. The table below gives a detailed breakdown of each score range as per the 2024 PTE score chart.

CEFR LevelPTE ScoreSkillsRequired
C285–901. Advanced influence
2. Outstanding command of all communication skills
3. Exceptional Understanding and expression
Typically, this score level is not required by universities abroad or the government for immigration purposes.
C176-841. High level of fluency
2. Strong command of all communication skills
3. Consistent accuracy and complexity in the use of language
Required for Australian Skilled Migration Visas.
B259-751. Very good fluency
2. Proficient in all communication skills
3. Confident and effective communication in academic and professional contexts
Required to get admitted to most universities abroad for UG and PG courses.
B143-581. Good fluency
2. Solid command of all communication skills
3. Capable of handling academic and professional situations with some occasional challenge
May be required for admission to UG courses.
A230-421. Moderate fluency
2. Developing command of communication skills
3. May face occasional difficulties in complex academic or professional contexts
May be set for foundation year courses but not fit for higher academic degrees.  
A110-291. Low fluency
2. Basic understanding of English
3. Requires significant improvement in all communication skills
Not suitable for higher academic degrees or foundation year courses.

Different PTE band scores interpret English language proficiency differently. Understanding them can clarify what PTE band scores to target for prospective test takers.

PTE Academic Score: 85-90

  • Test takers are very comfortable in academic and professional environments.
  • They can easily understand nearly everything they hear or read.
  • They can integrate and summarize information from various spoken and written sources coherently.
  • They can express themselves spontaneously, clearly and precisely, even in complex situations. They can also distinguish subtle meanings.

Though helpful, foreign universities usually do not require this level of English language proficiency.

PTE Academic Score: 76-84

  • Test takers understand complex, lengthy texts and grasp implicit meanings.
  • They can speak fluently and spontaneously without struggling for words.
  • They use English flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.
  • They can write clear, detailed, and well-structured text on complex topics using advanced organizational tools.

This PTE band score also indicates a very high level of English proficiency. It is not required for UG courses, but it is required for Australian Skilled Migration Visas.

PTE Academic Score: 59-75

  • Test takers understand the main ideas of complex texts on various topics, including technical discussions in their specialty.
  • They can converse fluently and spontaneously with native speakers without strain for either party.
  • They can produce clear, detailed text on diverse subjects and articulate a viewpoint on topical issues, discussing the pros and cons of different options.

This level of English proficiency is typically required for academic instruction and participation in university life. 59-75 PTE band score is also necessary for professional registration, employment, and Australian skilled migration visas.

PTE Academic Score: 43-58

  • Test takers understand the main points of clear, standard input on familiar topics such as work, school, and leisure.
  • They can handle most situations likely to arise while in an area where the language is spoken.
  • They can produce simple connected texts on topics of personal interest.
  • They can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions and briefly provide reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

This PTE band score is the minimum English proficiency required for undergraduate courses.

PTE Academic Score: 30-42

  • Test takers understand basic sentences and common expressions about personal information, shopping, and local geography.
  • They can handle simple communications for everyday tasks.
  • They can describe their background and immediate surroundings in straightforward terms.

This PTE band score is usually too low for academic coursework but may be adequate for Foundation Year courses.

PTE Academic Score: 10-29

  • Test takers can understand and use familiar expressions and basic phrases for specific needs.
  • They can introduce themselves and ask and answer questions about personal details.
  • They can interact if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

This PTE band score is generally too low for participating in academic coursework or Foundation Year programs.


PTE score chart provides valuable insights into your language proficiency across different skills. Having a better understanding of the marking pattern PTE score band chart will help you to plan strategically and achieve your desired results. A clear grasp of both Communicative and Enabling Skills enables test-takers to identify strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus their preparation more effectively.

Candidates looking to perform well in their PTE Academic Exam would be required to follow a solid PTE preparation plan to achieve a good PTE score. Focus on the learning process, experiment with different techniques, and utilize the vast resources available at La Forêt Education

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much is 6 each in PTE?

Ans: If you need a score of “6 each” (as often required for immigration or university purposes), it refers to a score of 50-57 in each of the four skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is equivalent to an IELTS band 6. It reflects a solid level of English proficiency, typically required for work or undergraduate study.

Q: What is the PTE 56 score?

Ans: A PTE score of 56 falls under the upper-intermediate level (B2) on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This shows a solid grasp of English and is comparable to an IELTS band 6.5. It indicates a good level of English, suitable for most academic and professional purposes.

Q: What is 8 score in PTE?

Ans: If you need an IELTS band 8, this corresponds to a PTE score of around 79-83, which indicates an advanced proficiency (C1) in English, often required for postgraduate study or highly skilled professions.

Dhawal Jagushte

Dhawal is an experienced English tutor specializing in TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE preparation. With a passion for helping students achieve their language proficiency goals, Dhawal has guided countless learners to success in these challenging exams. Known for his engaging teaching style and deep understanding of the English language, Dhawal is dedicated to empowering students with the skills and confidence they need to excel.