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The Ultimate Guide to the PTE Exam: Everything You Need to Know

Dhawal Jagushte 2 min read
Ultimate Guide to PTE Exam featured image

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a trusted English language exam used globally by non-native English speakers. It plays a crucial role in proving English proficiency for work, study, and migration purposes. The PTE exam offers two main types: PTE Academic and PTE General Training.

For those aiming to study or work in English-speaking countries like the US, UK, Canada, or Australia, the PTE Academic test is recommended. It assesses speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills within a 2-hour timeframe, making it efficient for test-takers.

On the other hand, PTE General Training suits individuals mostly in non-English-speaking European regions for work and study purposes. It evaluates proficiency levels across six grades, aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Both PTE exams have distinct purposes and durations. PTE General’s validity is indefinite, while PTE Academic’s validity lasts for 2 years. Test dates and registration processes vary, with PTE Academic being available monthly online through Pearson’s website.

Understanding the differences and purposes of these exams is vital for individuals planning to demonstrate their English language abilities and pursue opportunities abroad.

Structure of the PTE Exam

The PTE (Pearson Test of English) exam takes approximately 2 hours to complete and is structured into three main sections: speaking and writing, reading, and listening. Each section is carefully designed to assess specific language skills and has a designated time allocation to complete the tasks.

Speaking and Writing

This section is allocated 54–67 minutes and evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in English.

This section includes various tasks to test different aspects of speaking and writing. The tasks are:

  • Personal Introduction: Introduce yourself in a short recording to get comfortable with the test format.
  • Read Aloud: Read a text aloud to demonstrate pronunciation and fluency.
  • Repeat Sentence: Listen to sentences and repeat them accurately, testing your listening and speaking skills.
  • Describe Image: Describe an image based on the given prompts to assess your ability to convey information clearly.
  • Retell Lecture: Summarise a spoken lecture to demonstrate your listening and speaking abilities.
  • Answer a Short Question: Respond to brief questions orally to assess quick thinking and communication skills.
  • Summarise Written Text: Summarise a written passage in one sentence to evaluate your reading and writing skills.
  • Write an Essay: Write an essay based on a given topic to assess your writing skills, including organisation and coherence.

For more, refer to our blog about PTE Writing and PTE Speaking 

Reading Section

This section is allocated 29–30 minutes, assesses your understanding of written English.

This section includes:

Fill in the Blanks: Fill in missing words in a text to test your vocabulary and reading abilities.

  • Multiple-choice, Multiple Answers: Answer multiple-choice questions based on a passage, assessing your ability to comprehend and infer information.
  • Re-order Paragraphs: Arrange paragraphs in a logical sequence to evaluate your understanding of text structure.
  • Fill in the Blanks (Shorter Text): Fill in missing words in a shorter text to measure your vocabulary and attention to detail.
  • Multiple-choice, Single Answer: Choose the best single answer to a question based on a passage, testing your comprehension and analytical skills.

For more, refer to our blog at PTE Reading 

Listening Section

Lasting 30–43 minutes, evaluates your ability to understand spoken English. This section includes tasks such as:

  • Summarise Spoken Text: Summarise a spoken passage in writing to demonstrate your listening and writing skills.
  • Multiple-choice, Multiple Answers: Answer multiple-choice questions based on audio recordings, testing your listening comprehension.
  • Fill in the Blanks (Listening): Fill in missing words in a spoken passage to assess your listening and vocabulary skills.
  • Highlight the Correct Summary: Choose the correct summary of a spoken passage to evaluate your understanding.
  • Multiple-choice, Single Answer: Choose the best single answer to a question based on an audio recording, assessing your listening abilities.
  • Select Missing Word: Choose the missing word or phrase in a spoken passage.
  • Highlight Incorrect Words: Identify incorrect words in a transcript of a spoken passage.
  • Write from Dictation: Write down sentences as you hear them to test your listening and writing skills.

For more, refer to our blog at PTE Listening 

Overall, the PTE exam is thorough, covering a wide range of language skills, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening comprehension. Understanding the structure of each section and the tasks involved is crucial for effective preparation and successful performance on the exam.

Scoring System of the PTE Exam

The PTE Academic test scores range from 10 to 90 on the Global Scale of English. This score is based on your performance in speaking, listening, reading, and writing across 52 to 64 tasks of different types.

The scoring system uses algorithms trained with data from over 10,000 students speaking over 120 languages.

Your PTE score indicates your English proficiency level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Here’s what each score means:

  • Scores between 85 and 90 (C2 level) show expert-level English with exceptional command and understanding.
  • Scores from 76 to 84 (C1 level) indicate advanced English skills with strong fluency and accuracy.
  • Scores in the range of 59 to 75 (B2 level) represent upper-intermediate English, showing good fluency and proficiency.
  • Scores between 43 and 58 (B1 level) demonstrate intermediate English and are capable of handling academic and professional situations.
  • Scores from 30 to 42 (A2 level) show elementary proficiency with developing skills but some difficulties in complex contexts.
  • Scores between 10 and 29 (A1 level) indicate basic English understanding, needing significant improvement in all skills.

Understanding your PTE scores is crucial for various purposes, such as academic admissions, visa applications, or professional pursuits. It helps you assess your language abilities and identify areas for improvement to achieve your goals effectively.

Preparation Tips for the PTE Exam

Preparing for the PTE exam requires strategic and effective study techniques. From understanding the test format to managing time effectively, these tips will help you excel in your preparation.

1. Create a Study Plan

Make a detailed study schedule. Include time for all parts of the exam: speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Stick to your plan. This keeps you organised and ensures you cover all necessary material.

2. Use Quality Study Materials

Invest in good PTE study guides and resources. Look for books, online materials, and courses that provide effective practice opportunities. Quality materials will help you understand the test better and practise more efficiently.

3. Improve English Skills

Enhance your overall English skills by engaging with the language daily. Read books, watch English movies and shows, listen to English podcasts, and talk to native speakers. This will improve your comprehension and fluency.

4. Focus on Weak Areas

Identify your weak spots. Spend extra time working on them. Whether it’s vocabulary, grammar, or specific question types, targeted practice will help you improve these areas.

5. Take Practice Tests

Regularly take practice tests. These simulate the actual exam environment. They help you get used to the format and timing, reducing anxiety on exam day. Practice tests also show you what you’re good at and what needs more work.

6. Build Stamina and Focus

The PTE exam is long. Practice tests help you build the stamina needed to stay focused for the entire test. This is important for maintaining your performance throughout the exam.

7. Track Your Progress

Compare your practice test results over time. I see your improvement. This boosts your confidence and helps you stay motivated. Tracking progress also shows you which areas need more work.

8. Manage Your Time Effectively

Know the time limits for each section of the exam. Practice under timed conditions. This helps you get used to the pace and ensures you complete all questions within the allotted time. Don’t spend too much time on any one question.

9. Review and revise

If you finish a section early, use the remaining time to review your answers. Check for mistakes and correct them. This can improve your overall score. Careful checking can make a significant difference.

Common Challenges Faced in PTE Exam Preparation

The PTE exam can be tricky, but don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here are some typical difficulties test-takers face, along with tips to overcome them:

1. Understanding the Format

The PTE’s unique format, with its mix of question types, can be confusing at first. Get familiar with the exam early by looking for practice materials that mimic the real test. This way, you’ll know what to expect and feel more confident on exam day.

2. Managing Your Time

Running out of time in sections like reading and listening is a common struggle. Practice under timed conditions by using mock tests to get used to the exam’s pace. Develop a strategy to manage your time effectively during the real test.

3. Handling Exam Anxiety

Exams can be nerve-wracking! Find ways to stay calm by practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing and positive self-talk. Remember, a clear mind helps you perform better.

4. Using a Computer-Based Test

The PTE is computer-based, which can feel different from pen-and-paper tests. Get comfortable with the computer interface beforehand by using tutorials on PTE websites. Familiarity with the interface will reduce stress and save time during the exam.

5. Expanding Your Vocabulary

A small vocabulary can restrict how well you express yourself. Boost your vocabulary by reading widely and learning new words every day. Try using them in your everyday conversations for natural practice. The more words you know, the more articulate you’ll be.

6. Improving Speaking Fluency

Speaking English smoothly can be tough, especially under pressure. Practice speaking English regularly by talking to friends, recording yourself, or finding an English conversation partner. The more you speak, the more fluent you’ll become. Confidence comes with practice.

7. Perfecting Pronunciation and Intonation

Pronunciation and intonation can affect how well your message is understood. Listen to native English speakers and mimic their pronunciation patterns. Pay attention to the rhythm and emphasis they use in their speech. Accurate pronunciation will enhance your clarity and confidence.

8. Checking Your Answers Carefully

Simple mistakes can cost you points. Always take a few seconds to proofread your answers before moving on to the next question. This will help you catch typos and grammar errors and ensure you’ve completed everything properly. Careful checking can make a significant difference in your score.

How La Forêt’s PTE Course Helps

1. 1-on-1 Coaching

Experience personalised PTE coaching with 5 live classes of 1 hour each from Monday to Friday. This tailored approach ensures focused attention and effective learning.

2. Thorough Assessment and Feedback

Benefit from tests for all 4 modules with live personal feedback. This helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding your study plan.

3. Additional Doubt Sessions

We value your understanding and offer extra doubt sessions on Saturdays upon request. This interactive support ensures clarity and confidence in tackling challenging concepts.

4. Study Materials

Gain access to our online e-materials and receive physical notes and a  bag to support your learning journey.

5. Unique Features and Benefits

Visit PTE Course to discover the unique features and benefits of our course, tailored to address the specific challenges of the PTE exam. From personalised coaching to comprehensive study materials, we’re committed to your success.

Dhawal Jagushte

Dhawal is an experienced English tutor specializing in TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE preparation. With a passion for helping students achieve their language proficiency goals, Dhawal has guided countless learners to success in these challenging exams. Known for his engaging teaching style and deep understanding of the English language, Dhawal is dedicated to empowering students with the skills and confidence they need to excel.